Attention all CAST members. It's time to register for usa swimming for 2020. If you're fairly new to CAST, you may already be registered for 2020. See attached list to check.

SI swimming is changing the way they are taking registrations. Instead of each member sending in a form with a check, each team has to send in a batch file and a check. So we're being proactive and getting this taken care of in October.

Here's what you need to do; step by step:

1) Go into your family account and make sure all of your information is current for family and athlete(s).

      a. Sometimes address and phones change, we need your info and your swimmer's info up to date.

      b. guardian 1 and 2 should be filled in. This can be both parents, or a parent and other guardian

 2)  Go to your swimmers account. Check thier info. Middle initial or middle name is important (if they have one).     Also preferred name: Example: Elizabeth goes by Beth, then put Beth in the "preferred name" box.

Under your swimmers account, near the bottom, is the USA swimming registration portion. Don't worry if it says "not registered" / This will be fixed once we do the 2020 registration.

                i. fill in any disabilities

               ii. Ethnicity section is optional, but helps USA swimming with their statistics.

               iii. additional info is also important for USA swimming stats. Especially "year of HS graduation"

                    and the last checkbox....if over 13 years old, I recommend they get the USA swim newsletter.

               iv. Hit the  SAVE button before you leave the page.

2. Go to our registration page under the events section - or click this link: 2020 USA registration page.

3. Pay the appropriate amount.

4. I will process a batch file on October 21 for those who have paid.

If you have any questions, e-mail me here:  Coach Dave