The meet this weekend hosted by SBA will be at Mater Dei HS in Chula Vista. Swimmers should arrive at 7:20 am on both Saturday and Sunday. The weather forecast looks good, but it will still be cold in the morning, so bring multiple layers. As usual we would like swimmers to wear CAST apparel. General meet information Estimated timeline Psyche Sheets job assignments will be posted later tonight. -Coach Dave
Important- Practices for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning are cancelled due to poor air quality due to the local fires. This should not affect the meet on Sunday as we are expecting rain beginning on Saturday afternoon that should clear the air. Dave
The 10 &U meet this Sunday is at the Mission Valley Y. It is a fairly short one - should be done before 11:00 AM. Because the meet is short please be aware that the events will come quickly, one after another, and swimmers/families need to stay alert so the kids make it to their events. Swimmers should be at the team area by 7:40 AM. Meet information Estimated Timeline: (please keep in mind that this is only an estimate) Psyche Sheet Job information will be going out shortly. Dave
Practice on Monday.....I had forgotten that Monday was a holiday. Since the Kroc center has limited hours (closes at 5:00 pm), and most of our swimmers are in the met this weekend, we will not have any practices on the MLK holiday. Swim meet info for this weekend: The meet is at West Hills HS. We have been assigned the early warmup. Please be on deck at 7:00 AM each day. I will be posting information about timing jobs tonight.Please keep an eye out for the email, and sign up...
Practices during the holidays......There will be no practices next week 12/23-12/28. We will likely be at Helix on 12-30 and 31 and then back at the Kroc center on 1/2 (I will send something out next week). The WAG meet this weekend is a prelims and finals meet at the Wagner pool in Oceanside. Keep in mind the driving time is give or take 1 hr, but will likely be longer on Monday because it's a work day. The 13&O portion of the meet begins at 8:30 each day. The...
Saturday practice: The practice for Saturday that was listed on the Calendar as TBA will actually be on Sunday. Swimmers in AG SD and SR who are not in the C meet this weekend will have a practice at Helix HS from 6:30 - 7:45 AM on Sunday. Swim meet this weekend: Those of you in the meet this weekend - Please arrive at Helix HS (parking in the back of the school) at 7:15 AM. Jobs: Because we are hosting the meet we need everyone to pitch in and...
Wag max meet info for this weekend. Location Mater Dei HS. Please be in the team area for stretching and warmup at: 7:30 Saturday, 7:50 Sunday Meet info Psyche sheet estimated timeline
This is for those of you in the SDSA BB+ meet this weekend at Coronado HS: Warmup: Saturday 7:15, Sunday 7:55 A.M. -- If after looking at the timeline your swimmer's first event is scheduled after 10:15 AM, Please see me (or e-mail me) about the possibility of arriving later. General meet info Estimated Timeline Psyche Sheets There are no practices this Saturday. Coach Dave
We are holding a November Just-For-Fun meet this Saturday morning at West Hills HS in Santee. We have held them mid-week the last few months, but due to colder weather, we will try to find weekend times in the sun to run these fun meets. This meet is for all CAST swimmers at all levels!!!! You do not have to pre-register, all you have to do is show up. For swimmers in Novice, Junior and AG groups (coach Abbie, coach Raven or Coach Ben's groups), please arrive by 8:30 AM....