Dave's Notes ---- May 4th


May 4, 2020


CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 8

Things are getting closer to some type of return to the pool. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, meetings, letters to govt. officials, talks with the Kroc center, etc. I will send out a detailed note by Wednesday afternoon of how we might be returning to the water some time in May. (and hopefully no later than early June).


1) am and pm exercises

I just leave this on the list as a reminder. If you're being a 24/7 couch potato....get yourself off your booty and get some exercise in. It really is a great opportunity to get strong. minimum 15 minutes am and 15 min pm, although I would prefer senior swimmers were up to 45 min ea time.


2. Nightly video sessions

Join us each weeknight for learning at 5:00 pm.

The sessions will last between 30 and 45 minutes.

To Join The Zoom Meetings

Meeting ID: 898 062 451
Password: 481768

This week we're taking a little more freedom. We'll be doing group projects to look at swimming match ups. I'll assign groups at Monday night's meeting, and we'll do group reports each day.

Work with your teammates to learn.

This weeks videos to watch - Match ups. real and hypothetical


Watch Monday Review at Tuesday meeting: Phelps vs Lochte

Pick any 2 videos of times that we had a Phelps vs Lochte race

Review their match-ups. How many times have they competed against ea. other? win %. achievements? etc.


Watch Tuesday review at Wednesday meeting: Manuel vs Weitzel

Pick one video of Simone Manuel and one video of Abby Weitzel. compare and contrast


Watch Wednesday review at Thursday meeting: Piersol vs Murphy

These two are from different era's. What similarities do they have? records? Medals

Pick a long course video of each swimmer to review.


Watch Thursday review at Friday meeting:Dressel vs Held

Who's heard of Ryan Held? Yes he's overshadowed by Caleb Dressel. What are their acomplishments? Pick a video of each swimming a long course 50 or 100 free


Watch Friday Review on Monday: US vs the World

What kind of matchups have there been in past Olympic relays? US vs Russia, China, Japan, France, Australia, South Africa, GDR (what's that?) , etc.

Go on the internet and find some great ones. This group should do 4 ttl vids.
