Dave's Notes ---- June 1st - Covid week 12 out of the water


June 1, 2020


CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 12

With every week that goes by, I know we have to be getting closer to a restart. I remain positive optimistic that it will happen soon.

Whenever that happens, we'll get rolling as soon as we can.

With all of the social unrest in the past week I do want to spend a little time this week talking about it, at least tangentially. I know we're a swim team, but some day the swimmers will grow up and become adults. We are blessed to be a team with diversity, and i am happy to say that, from my perspective, the swimmers on cast are very welcoming to teammates from all different colors, backgrounds and beliefs. I want to make sure that continues not only within the team, but also as they grow up and spread out into the world. Parents, as always, you are welcome to listen in and even participate in any of our zoom sessions.


Let us know: So far a little over 60 of our swimmers have responded. I know there are more of you out there. Please just cut and past this and send in an e-mail to dave@castswim.com


Current or most recent CAST level (e.g. Novice, 3,5 etc)______________

_______Yes we plan to return as soon as we are able


_______We would like to wait at least _______ weeks after the team re-starts, before we re-join.



1) Amazon Smile

I will continue to keep it up for a couple more weeks to see if I can help remind you to try it and get in a habit of using it. . . . . If you use Amazon Smile the team gets a small portion 1/2 of 1% of your purchases. All you need to do is initially name CAST as the group you're donating to, and then access Amazon through a smile link. We have a link on the left side of our web page. It is also HERE


2. Nightly video sessions

Join us each weeknight for learning at 5:00 pm.

The sessions will last between 30 and 45 minutes.

To Join The Zoom Meetings

Meeting ID: 898 062 451
Password: 481768



Here's your homework:


Monday: I will catch a few swimmers who didn't get a chance to share their quotes / songs / movies homework from last week. We will also have a discussion on the protests and riots that have occurred. We are not going too deeply into the subject, but with Saturday riots in La Mesa, I think sharing thoughts is appropriate. I don't mean to impose my beliefs on anyone, I only want to encourage sharing perspectives and feelings, and leave the deeper discussions for kids to have with their parents at home. (parents if you have any concern about what might be discussed, you are more than welcome to log in, and also welcome to have your kids not log in tonight).

Tuesday: Group report on Martin Luther King Jr.

What was going on in the 1960's? Who was MLK? What was his approach to the issues of his generation? etc. Relate to current era issues.

Wednesday: Group report on Mahatma Ghandi

Who was he? What did he do/ what were his methods? Do you think these things apply to what's happening now in the U.S. ?

Thursday: Group report on 12 things cause or contribute to younot being motivated. Everyone has different things that motivate them, this discussion is what things either unmotivate or discourage you, and why. Please give examples within your own swimming career. Each group member should take on 3 or 4 items from the list of 12.

Friday: Just the opposite of Thursday....Group report on 12 things that help motivate you. (especially during the hard times listed on Thur.) What motivates you,why?and give examples from your own experiences.