Dave's Notes ---- June 8---#2

June 8, 2020


CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 13

We may get to swim next Monday, and we may not. Please see today's earlier explanation of what is going on with getting back in the pool.


1) Amazon Smile

I will continue to keep it up for a couple more weeks to see if I can help remind you to try it and get in a habit of using it. . . . . If you use Amazon Smile the team gets a small portion 1/2 of 1% of your purchases. All you need to do is initially name CAST as the group you're donating to, and then access Amazon through a smile link. We have a link on the left side of our web page. It is also HERE

2. Nightly video sessions

Join us each weeknight for learning at 5:00 pm.

The sessions will last between 30 and 45 minutes.

To Join The Zoom Meetings

Meeting ID: 898 062 451
Password: 481768


Here's your homework:


Monday: We'll discuss what the progress is toward getting back into the pool, what is coming up for the week. I'll go over some swimming things: what makes a great athlete / teammate / person; positive vs negative thinking, etc.


Tuesday: Group report

Pick 15-16 quotes out of the first 25 of this list – 50 famous disney quotes

Divide them among your group and tell us what they mean, and how they apply to you (and others).

And if you want you can go further and explain how it applied in the story of the movie and/or show a video clip.



Wednesday: Group report

Pick 15-16 quotes out of the last25 of this list – 50 famous disney quotes

Divide them among your group and tell us what they mean, and how they apply to you (and others).

And if you want you can go further and explain how it applied in the story of the movie and/or show a video clip.


Thursday: Group report

who are they?– carrer accomplishments – ideas about success / failure and famous quotes - how this applies to you today:

Morgan Freeman

Justin Timberlake


Dwayne Johnson


Friday: Group report

who are they?– carrer accomplishments – ideas about success / failure and famous quotes - how this applies to you , today:

Sara Sjostrom

Lenny Krazelburg

Chloe Sutton

Matt Grevers