Dave's notes 6-3-22

Quick notes

June practice calendar is now posted online. Link Here

12&U mini meet

Tomorrow at Granite HIlls High School. If you're entered, please show up at 8:00 am for check in and stretching. Meet begins at 9:00 am and ends around 11:00. Swimmers do need to check in for their events when they arrive (at the check-in table) as well as report to the coach.

If your swimmer is in their very first meet make sure the coach is aware so all steps can be explained to the individual.

We also have 1 chair assigned to us for timing so we will need those positions filled... see job sign up here.

Please keep an eye out for additional e-mails today. I did see an email going around that the meet may not count if enough officials did not show up. (or even potentially could be cancelled) - so I will send out an email to everyone if somehow they cancel it. (btw- they have never actually cancelled a meet in san diego due to lack of enough officials because the threat has always brought enough to sign up - so I'd say the chances are that the meet will go on as planned).

Coach Dave