Thursday news

dave kilmer

Daily news now.

First - Kroc center

The Kroc center told us to plan on the pool not being available until next Wednesday. They do hope to have it up and running prior to that, but to be on the safe side told me to look for alternate pool time through Tuesday. 

The good news is that we were planning on taking time off on Halloween (Tuesday) anyway. I will let you know what we're doing for Monday as soon as I have it figured out. (and I'm actually already looking for an alternate for next Wednesday just in case - so I'll be ahead of the game).


Next - Swim meet this weekend

Yesterday's news included all of the swim meet news, so check there formeet news, warmup times, estimated timeline, and psyche sheet.

As noted earlier the swim meet is longer than we had originally planned for. Because of this I had to add a few more job positions, as well as adjust some times adding an extra 15 minutes to some and 30 to others - which in some cases bumped both start and end times back.  please check you jobs for adjustments.  If the adjustment causes an overlap in job times please just see me so I can make sure the most critical one is still covered. 

Example: you signed up for 10-11 am at job 1 and 11-12 at job 2 and after adjustments in now shows 10:15 - 11:30 for job 1 and still 11-12 for job 2......just come see me at the meet or email ahead of time.

Help at the end of the meet. I know after a long weekend everyone wants to get out of there, we really need your help in packing up and cleaning up on Sunday....There have been times where i've been on deck for 2-2.5 hours after a meet is over, and then still have a full van to unload. We still have 2 clean up spots and 2 transportation spots to fill on Sunday (both carry 2 to 1 credit hours). Please help - my back will thank you.