Ice skating

dave kilmer

Ice Skating

Although we wanted to do a team ice skating fun event this week, the times that the Kroc center offers it do not fit in well with most family schedules (mid day).  This year, we will have a team (swimmers, families and friends) ice skating day  on Wednesday Dec 27th  from 6-8 pm we’ll have it again at the Kroc ice center. This is for CAST swimmers, their friends, and family members.

The normal cost is $20. CAST has been quoted $12 (bring cash) for all who enter under the CAST umbrella of (swimmers, family, friends) given they all enter within 20 minutes of each other. So please plan on arriving at 5:50 so CAST members can congregate outside and head in together when they open. If you come late, you may have to pay the full price.