CAST news
Just-for-fun meet will be tonight.
5:45 - 7:00 pm
This is for all AG / Novice and Summer Swimmers. Let's have some fun!
Our annual 2 week break begins on Monday. We return to the pool on the 26th. Special note - we will have a "team hike" on Sat 31st - see calendar.
The full September calendar will be out in a couple weeks but looks to remain very much the same.
CAST Wrap up meet
The CAST wrap up meet is this Saturday and Sunday at GHHS.. Swimmers should be on deck at 7:10 am.
The meet should be over about noon on Saturday (11-12 500 and 13-14 1000 are the last 2 events) and about 11:30 on Sunday.
We're bringing a great summer to a close, let's finish it off with some fast and fun swimming, heading into the summer break.
We still have a lot of jobs that need filling - we need you to help so the meet can run smoothly.
Estimated Timeline - The 11-12 500's and the 1000's will likely be combined.