
CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 6 Some people are probably finding their stay-at-home groove, while others are still trying to find that groove. Me, can't lie, haven't quite found it yet. . . but I'm getting there. I do really enjoy the time I get to work with the kids online. I am confident that the topics we address has helpful tidbits that will stick with them and help them later in the pool and life. Last week we reviewed swims from the 2016 Olympic...

2 videos and a dryland workout: The first one here, we watched last night The second is here, just another inspirational video This one is an upper body workout specific to Fly. as I told the swimmers yesterday, if they do this, to make sure they have an easy bungee with not much tension when their arms are doing anything out wide. upper body fly dryland

CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 5 I've been coaching now for almost 2/3 of my life, and have not been away from a pool deck for more than 2.5 weeks at any time. This is as strange for me as it is the swimmers. (and for some of you parents as well). The optimist in me hopes that we'll be able to do some activities together some time in May. In the meantime - stay healthy - stay safe. 1) am and pm exercises Please...

CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 4 I hope that everyone is well, and adapting to the restrictions that we're all under. Although I have hopes that we will be able to get back to some type of group workouts some time in May, no one knows. What I am starting to plan for is that we may have a lifting of some restrictions, but not all of them at once. It may turn out that we're allowed to start some type of group dryland training...

These are ideas for dryland workouts Caleb dressel ab workout Here's some I took off of a coach's idea exchange site: Cardio Cardio 2 Countdown Dice 1 Dice 2 Quarters (as in 1/4 mile runs +) I'll post more next week. Keep it safe!!!!!!!!!!!

CAST - Covid-19 - Out of the water - Week 3 We all should know that things are getting serious out there. Please do you best to follow the guidelines that the govt. is sending out. . . social distancing, and extra care for cleanliness, etc. San Diego county has been very fortunate up to this point. Let’s all do our part to keep it that way. Here are a few suggestions for all CASTies….. 1) Notebook: If you haven’t already, start a COVID-19 notebook. You might not be aware...

CAST FAmilies! I hope you all received the team emails on Sunday. We're discontinuing practices at the pool. I'll have nightly swimming education and dryland online. (mon-Fri) from 5:00pm until 6:30ish. Here's how to log in: 5:00 pm daily zoom meeting: Dave Kilmer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: My Meeting Time: Mar 16, 2020 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Every day, until Mar 22, 2020, 7 occurrence(s) Mar 16, 2020 05:00 PM Mar 17, 2020 05:00 PM Mar 18, 2020 05:00 PM Mar 19,...

Attention all CAST members. It's time to register for usa swimming for 2020. If you're fairly new to CAST, you may already be registered for 2020. See attached list to check. SI swimming is changing the way they are taking registrations. Instead of each member sending in a form with a check, each team has to send in a batch file and a check. So we're being proactive and getting this taken care of in October. Here's what you need to do; step by step: 1) Go into your family...