Dave's notes Mission Viejo BB min meet - entries were sent in last night. I did receive a notice that due to time limitations the meet could be capped. They will let us know if our team will be admitted after they have processed all of the entries. (probably some time on Thursday). Swimmers from their area get first priority. High school championship meets - We are at the final weeks of the high school season. This week we have conference championships and next week are the CIF championships, followed...
Couple of quick notes on upcoming practices. 1) We thought Helix had an away meet this Friday- (and I was going to change SD and SR practice to there) It turns out they have a home meet. So if you heard that Friday's practice was at Helix - it is not.....Practice for SR-SD is at Kroc 4:15-6 pm. 2) I did not schedule a before-meet practice on Saturday morning - which is customary when we run BC meets. So there is no Saturday practice if you are not entered into...
The CAST BC meet is this weekend. We still have many open job spots that we need filled in order to run the meet. We have this meet and then 4 months until we host another one. If you have someone in the meet and have not signed up yet, please sign up to work. If you don't have anyone swimming, we could still use your help This is specifically to the swimmers who are in Senior Dev. and Senior who are not swimming in the meet: The team needs...
Practice change for tomorrow. Practices will be: SD and SR 7:15 - 9 am at HELIX AG 7:45 - 9 at HELIX
Long Course Season is upon us There are 2 seasons in competitive swimming: Short Course and Long Course. Short course meets are swum in 25 yard pools and Long course meets are swum in 50 Meter pools. The Short Course season runs roughly September through March, and Long Course season runs roughly April through August. Many newer swimmers will continue most of their competitions in short course pools all year-round, as 50 meter pools are fewer in number and usually used for the meets that are BB level and higher....
Good morning! Every so often we send out some safety / courtesy reminders . . . this is one of those times. Please review these reminders and discuss them with your swimmers. Thank you in advance. Swimmers should not be dropped off excessively early to the practice site. We recognize that life and work demands are, well, demanding. However, coaches and the team are not responsible to watch them during this non-practice time. There are occasions when swimmers are wandering through and outside the facility; they are not being supervised...
Friday practices will be back at Kroc Center for the afternoon. Sr and SD 415-6 AG and Novice 6-7 (Today is at Helix as previously listed).
News for our meet this weekend. 1) I have not had time to adjust times for the meet jobs this weekend now that I have a timeline in hand, but they are already pretty close and should need only minor adjustments. Please check on Friday to see if your job times were adjusted at all. 2) We still have many jobs to be filled. Keep in mind this is the last chance to fulfill your work hours requirements for the short course season. We want to run a great meet...
Kroc pool closed - practices for the rest of the week Please note the practice times and locations. We appologize for the inconvenience, and hope that you are able to attend. I arranged what I could on short notice. Tonight I was only able to secure 3 lanes for the second practice, so there will be no novice tonight. It's the best I could do. Also, because we will be practicing at Helix on Thursday afternoon, and we are hosting the meet there this weekend, I am going to move...
So just got the word from Kroc that the pool will be down , and could potentially be closed for the rest of the week. I am working on solutions of other pools to go to and am confident that I will be able to find water somewhere. I will keep you all posted. But for now - no practice tonight (and for SR - no tomorrow morning). I will get more news and information up as soon as I can. Coach Dave